Sunday, September 13, 2009

Question 2

Tristan and Yseut's love proves over and over again to be ignoble. They constantly seek out revenge against those who've tried to put a stop to their adulterous ways and prove to be little more than violent children with no self control to attempt to overcome the desires of their id. They truly are pathetic and never think of anyone but themselves and their brutal murders of Barons proves that. All we know of the Barons is that they correctly advised King Mark of Tristan and Yseut's crimes even at the risk of their honor and public opinion. Thus proving them if anything better men than Dinas. Tristan kills these loyal Baron's and paves the way for more corrupt men to potentially take their positions. None of the murders in this text are justified, they are acts done out of Tristan and Yseut's fear and passions.

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