Sunday, January 24, 2010

Questions for Eric and Enide Day one

4. The battle for the sparrow hawk is a contest in which knights battle for the sparrow hawk for whomever takes the sparrow hawk has the most beautiful Lady in the land. This implies that a ladies beauty is dependent on the strength of the man that she's with. It shows the sexism of the times, as it makes claim that a women is nothing without a strong man.

5. The dress represents a sort of rebirth not all that different from the one Erec would later go through. Enide casts away the white dress that she had and is adorned with a new green dress. This act represents her rebirth into the ranks of nobles as she had lived in poverty.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Romance of Tristan Day 2 parts 7-13

1. In the story Tristan and Yseut are forced to live in the woods constantly on the move to avoid being captured by King Mark. They live as animals, living "on flesh and nothing else"(Beroul 85). It is symbolic on their animalistic Love. Since its caused by a potion there is no intelligence our true attraction behind it and thus it is more simplistic like relationship between lesser animals. Also they have no control over themselves and behave similarly to dogs in heat. Unable to keep themselves off each other even though they know that their actions are harming not only those close to them but their entire kingdom.
2.When Tristan and Isolde finally decide they've had enough of living on the run and long for their old lives back. They decide the Love potion has"worn off". They repent for their actions and attempt to go back to their former lives. It seems though that it is just more manipulation on their parts. Trying to undo what happened like with less visible shame than a golfer taking a mulligan. The fact that they go back to their adulterous ways later (after the "Love Potion" has worn off) only shows that this is just another selfish Lie.